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Internal Capacity Building and Training

Build internal capacity for organizations that have a desire to eventually become self-sufficient in obtaining external funding

A validated training structure will be employed to train organizational staff on best practices for developing and managing grants and awards. This process will entail the following activities: 

  • Meeting with the training group pre-training to ascertain their goals and determine a baseline of capabilities with grants and grants management. 

  • Structuring and coordination of meetings in a timescale that works with the organization’s schedule (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly). 

  • Develop and provide templates and tools that trainees may use throughout the training and in the future. 

  • Structure and deliver training sessions on the following topics: 

    • Finding funding 

    • Working with program officers and funders 

    • Developing abstracts and summaries 

    • Developing project narratives 

    • Graphical elements 

    • Data inclusion and management 

    • Proposal narratives 

    • Budgets and budget justifications 

    • Working in teams and on large grant-funded projects 

    • Review and submission of proposals 

Conduct evaluation and assessment of the efficacy of training and need for re-training or future training.  

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